Ring In The New Year With Safety
By Thorndale Volunteer Fire Company
December 31, 2014

With the New Year upon us, your friends at the Thorndale Volunteer Fire Company would like to remind you to BE SAFE! We're sure there will be lots of New Year’s Eve parties to go to and good friends to share them with, but we must always make good decisions for ourselves and the countless other lives that may be affected if we don't.

People around the world will celebrate the coming New Year with food, beverages, dancing and fireworks. Some will attend public events with hundreds of other revelers, while others will head to smaller gatherings or celebrations in private homes. Whether the event is small or large, planning for safety should always be a priority. Accidents happen when we're being rushed or careless in our attempt to join in the fun. Did you know that New Year's Day is one of the top five days for home fires? Let us all work on ways to change that. We urge you to find a safe way home and to not drink and drive.

The Thorndale Volunteer Fire Company would like to wish you a happy and safe New Year! Enjoy your end of the year celebration wherever that takes you! Stay safe one and all and we'll see you in 2015!!

Hyperlinks: Holiday Fires
Put A Freeze on Winter Fires
Attachment EscapePlanningTips.pdf  (660k)