Special Presentation, Tour and Rope Training
By Photographer/Fire Police Officer Mark Walsh
January 25, 2017

Every Wednesday night the Thorndale Volunteers gather at the firehouse to train. Training is essential to make sure our skills are up to par so when the pager goes off we don't even have to think we just react. This past Wednesday night we had two things planned a tour of the new sports complex being built on Lincoln Highway and training on ropes and knots. But before that could be started we got a special visit from one of Caln Townships finest Police Officer Laura Ashe and her husband Kevin along with their son. The reason for their visit was to drop off a gift to the fire company made by them. The gift was an American Flag made out of wood with the maltese cross you see on the side of our trucks carved into it. All the members loved the gift and after training was over it was proudly hung in our meeting room.

After our special presentation from Officer Ashe we proceeded to the sports complex to do a walk thru. The building is still under construction but is very close to being done. The purpose of our visit was to get an idea of what would be in the building and what obstacles we may face if there was ever an emergency in the building. Crews spent about an hour walking thru the building

Finally we ended the night going over all of our rope rescue equipment, discussing different knots and deployment techniques and checking to make sure all the equipment was still in proper working condition.

Approx. 30 volunteers attended the training and walk thru.