Working Fire Assist in Coatesville City
By Thorndale Fire Company
June 28, 2023

Shortly before 1900 Station 38 was alerted as part of the first alarm assignment to assist Coatesville Fire Department for a house fire in the 400 block of Colina Ln. With crews already on station for our weekly training night, Chief, Deputy, Utility, Traffic and Engine 38 all made the response moments after dispatch. Engine 43-1 arrived to find smoke showing on multiple sides and requested the working fire dispatch.

Engine 38 arrived on location as the third due engine and was assigned to assist with opening on division two of the residence. The remaining crews from 38 stood by awaiting further orders from Incident Command. Station 38 operated on-scene for about an hour before being released by command.

Photos courtsey of SMac Emergency Services Photography, IrishEyez Chesco and Chesco fire rescue photography.

Units: Chief 38, Deputy 38, Utility 38-2, Traffic 38, Engine 38